Thursday, September 17, 2015

The College Essay Question

Today, we will be talking as a group at the very beginning of class.  Then, you will search for real essay questions from real colleges that you want to attend - for real!

As you search online for college essay questions, have a look at some other essay questionsfrom around the country:

Describe a work of art that has had a profound impact on you and the way you look at the world. (UMASS)

Please complete a one-page personal statement and submit it with your application. (James Madison University)

How would you describe yourself as a human being? What quality do you like best in yourself and what do you like least? What quality would you most like to see flourish and which would you like to see wither? (Bates College)

Describe the most challenging obstacle you have had to overcome; discuss its impact and tell what you have learned from the experience. (Guilford College)

To learn to think is to learn to question. Discuss a matter you once thought you knew ‘for sure’ that you have since learned to question. ( Bryn Mawr College)

Describe any interesting experience you have had during your college admissions search. (Juniata College)

Discuss a risk that has led to a significant change (positive or negative) in your personal or intellectual life. (Simmons College)

In 100 lines or less describe any circumstances or experiences that you feel are important for us to know.

Describe your reason for applying to this college and one personal experience that made you who you are today.

Please submit a personal statement describing a significant achievement, experience, or risk and its impact on you. (University of Dayton)


Thomas Cuevas said...

Describing profound elements is also considered to be a skill that you have to describe what you learned from essay writing skills. essays writing services

Robert Cruz said...

Search for college essays questions can be very easy if we do in a proper way. There are so many online resources available where you can search easily these questions. college transfer essay examples

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